Do Your Employees Advocate for Your Company?

Glowing reviews of your company from employees is one of the best public relations moves you can make, so if your team isn’t already advocating on your behalf, it’s time to change that. When staffers say positive things about your organization on their social media pages, personal blogs and face-to-face conversations, it can do great… Read more »

Critical Skills: Time Management

It’s an important skill for everyone, but excellent time management is especially crucial for administrative professionals. This multifaceted job comes with a wide variety of responsibilities, and managing time wisely is the only way to ensure everything is accomplished by the end of the day. Find out why good time management is a must for… Read more »

Three Strategies to Building Leadership Skills in all Employees

There’s a common misconception that only managers need leadership skills, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Serving as a leader and a manager are two very different concepts, as an employee can be a leader without having a single direct report. Leadership skills center on key abilities such as strategic thinking, turning a… Read more »

Use This Checklist to Ensure Your Feedback is Constructive

Your employees are great, but no one is perfect. Regularly giving constructive feedback puts them on the path toward constant improvement. It also keeps the lines of communication open so you’re always on the same page. Giving feedback in a constructive manner is a must because it keeps people’s feeling from getting hurt and provides… Read more »

How to Discuss Loyalty with a Candidate

Loyalty is one of the most important traits you can find in a candidate because it’s impossible to get ahead if you’re constantly filling the same open positions. Known for their devotion, the baby boom generation was perfectly happy to stay with the same company for most or all of their career, but millennials don’t… Read more »

The Benefits of a Learning Culture

In business, change is necessary to stay ahead of the curve, but many employers don’t provide a culture conducive to learning. This is a huge mistake, because employees can only achieve so much with stagnant knowledge. A learning culture can be created at any organization, with any budget. Opportunities for continued learning are plentiful, ranging… Read more »

Evaluating Communication Skills in Administrative Candidates

Your administrative team keeps the company running smoothly, so you need to hire very carefully. It’s important to choose a candidate who has both exceptional written and oral communication skills, because they’re both necessary to be effective in the job. Find out how to determine if the administrative talent vying for an opening at your… Read more »

The Pitfalls of Procrastination

Time is money, so you need a team of employees who work hard and fast. When hiring, make sure you don’t choose candidates prone to procrastination, because this practice can be detrimental to business. More than just a bad habit, one employee with a tendency to procrastinate can have a negative impact on the entire… Read more »

Interview Questions to Help You Spot Top Performers

Your company is only as successful as the employees who keep it running. Therefore, it’s important to exercise diligence during the hiring process to make sure you only choose the best. In most cases, you only have one or two rounds of interviews to meet with candidates, so you need to ask pointed questions. Those… Read more »

Screen Candidates for Cultural Fit on Company

In life, we tend to mingle with people who are quite similar to ourselves. As an individual, a person would usually be drawn to another who expresses similarities, in language, music, and style are among the things. In a few words: we are attracted to the same culture. The same goes for the business world…. Read more »