Glowing reviews of your company from employees is one of the best public relations moves you can make, so if your team isn’t already advocating on your behalf, it’s time to change that. When staffers say positive things about your organization on their social media pages, personal blogs and face-to-face conversations, it can do great things for your business.
Employees should never be forced to serve as brand evangelists, but you can encourage them to post about projects they’re working on — assuming they’re not of a confidential nature — fun office happenings, and other positive updates that make coming to work each day a pleasure.
3 Reasons to Turn Your Team Into Brand Ambassadors
Boost Credibility
Your employees know the company inside and out, which gives them serious sway with your customer base. If being on the frontline of daily operations has staffers singing your praises, people will listen, because they know what they’re talking about. Having the public support of staffers makes your business much more credible in the eyes of the public, because advocating for the company is a choice, not a job requirement.
Increase Loyalty
Every company doesn’t give employees a voice, so trusting your staffers to serve as brand advocates is something really special. From a worker’s prospective, it feels great knowing your employer has this level of confidence in you. When you believe in your employees, they reward you with loyalty, because they know they’re in a good place.
Expand Your Reach
Your employees have bustling lives outside the company. Every one of them has a network of their own filled with potential customers. When they post content about your business on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr, they’re placing a whole new audience at your fingertips. People put a lot of weight into recommendations from those they trust — especially professionals employed by your company — so this can cause a surge in business.
Barrington Staffing wants to connect you with new hires who will serve as proud brand ambassadors for your Los Angeles or Ventura County company. We’ve been helping businesses like yours hire right since 1982, so you can count on us to deliver. Let’s get started today!